Monday, June 30, 2014

Running Out Of Lies Blog Tour

June 30 Spotlight
3 Partners in Shopping

June 30 Spotlight...
Corazones Literarios

July 1 Spotlight
Lisa’s World Of Books

July 1 Spotlight and review
Deb Sanders

July 2 Interview
The Creatively Green Write at Home Mom

July 2 Spotlight
Angel’s Guilty Pleasures

July 3 Review
Shut Up & Read

July 4 Interview
Roxanne’s Realm

July 4 Spotlight
Deal Sharing Aunt

July 7 Top Ten List
Darkest Cravings

July 7 Interview
Pembroke Sinclair.
See More
June 30 Spotlight
3 Partners in Shopping

June 30 Spotlight
Corazones Literarios ...

July 1 Spotlight
Lisa’s World Of Books

July 1 Spotlight and review
Deb Sanders

July 2 Interview
The Creatively Green Write at Home Mom

July 2 Spotlight
Angel’s Guilty Pleasures

July 3 Review
Shut Up & Read

July 4 Interview
Roxanne’s Realm

July 4 Spotlight
Deal Sharing Aunt

July 7 Top Ten List
Darkest Cravings

July 7 Interview
Pembroke Sinclair.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Abby's 300

    According to Herodotus, Leonidas had been warned by the Delphic oracle that either Sparta would be destroyed or their king would lose his life. Leonidas chose the second alternative.

     I awoke this morning thinking of King Leonidas.  King Leonidas and 300 men, a small force of Greeks, Spartans, Thespians and Thebans who volunteered; fought against the larger Persian army of Xerxes at the pass of Thermopylae. According to my favorite historian Herodotus, the Delphic oracle warned King Leonidas he would either be destroyed and lose his life. King Leonidas chose to battle.
     I am always, always, amazed that one man was able to find 300 men to follow him into certain death. The question always looms large in my mind “Who will stand with you knowing you are going to lose the battle”. It’s a question so many over the millenniums haves asked. I myself have asked on several occasions “Who will STAND with me in a losing battle?”

    King Leonidas always reminds that no matter what, there are people that will stand with you. The oracle of Delphic was corrected and all the Spartans and Thespians died along with their King Leonidas. But in the end, 300 men stood together and won just by standing. These brave souls became the inspiration the Greeks needed the next year to win a battle over Persians.

      Yes, I did indeed. I wake to the sun beating on my face, wondering, “Who will be my 300? Who will be my King Leonidas and lead me into battle and certain death?”


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Abby Loves Red

Red is the color of passion. Red is the color of the Scarlet Letter. Red is the color of vampires and greed. Red is bold, powerful and unrepentant. Red is unwilling to yield its power to anyone. Red is a power color.
I love the color red.


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Who Am I

     I’m Abigail Madison Chase. I am the author of the paranormal series Running Out of Times and the forthcoming The Wild Hoopergrays of Montana series.  Writing has been a passion since the fourth grade.  I freely indulge my passion for writing with paranormal that are mysteries, thrilling and have a military theme. I also love to include little know historical facts in my stories along with the names of towns no longer around.

     I have been writing paranormal stories since the late nineties.  My current series Running Out of Times following Dr. Erick Liam Plez as he unravels the complex mystery that surrounds his life as he tried to retire from the Young Marines in 2026.   My series The Wild Hoopergrays of Montana which debuts next Spring, following the exploits of three retired Marines who now live in the Western Montana town of Nicodemus. A gate way to hell, it’s guarded by three brothers, Jasper, Alsandor and Greyson Hoopergray.  These three brothers are all that stand between their heroines, Echo, Harmony and Giselle. Redemption  in the town of Nicodemus is hell. 
  I love the paranormal genre and I want my books to entertain and capture the imagination of readers from the first word.


Friday, June 20, 2014

A Frog Went A Courtin'

I awoke this morning from the craziest dream. Harkening the days of my childhood, I can only say it is was with fondness that I was flooded with memories of  fairytales. When I think of my slumber  Once Upon A Time is all that comes to mind.

When I was a child my mother use to read my siblings and I at bedtime. Mother would tell the most wonderful stories. Weaving fairytales like a spider’s web, the air always cracked with mysterious tales of mythical proportion. There were no HEA’s (Happily Ever After’s) in many of her fairytales. Mother preferred the original telling of the fairytales. I always loved the fact the witch danced her red shoes off.

But by far my favorite fairytale was “A Frog Went A Courting”. O’ how I loved that story. Mother the story by heart. and soul She could make you believe you were there in the story. She did the voices and dare I say she did the movements to if she took a likening to getting up.

I always had but one question. Where was Uncle Rat’s wife? Surly he was not a bachelor. Such a handsome frog as he? It was a nightly demand that my mother married Uncle Rat to a nice lady.

My mother took my question with a grain of salt. “Abigail-Madison Chase this is my story write your own when you have kids one day.” Though I did have children, I never wrote my own story, though I am still concerned about Uncle Rat.

Which brings me to my dream. I dreamed I was at Uncle Rat’s wedding. O’ what a wonderful dream. All though the dream I could hear my mother’s voice telling the story.

Fairytales never get old.


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Abby's Day of Byocheing & Moaning


Ain’t that a Byoche!

You ever want to yell scream, do the hooky pokey, turn yourself around and ask if this is what it’s all about. Yeah, I have to.

Byocheing and moaning changes thangs, or so I’ve heard from successful byochers and moaners.

Me? No so much! Most often I tamper down the byoching and moan and reserve it for a special day.

Today is that day.
Ladies and Gentlemen it’s official Byoching and Moaning Day. This is the day we shake our tail feathers so that we may Byoche and Moan to our hearts our content. Your pet peeves are center stage, other peoples perfect lives can be compared to yours to show just how much you phucked up! You will be compared to “Other People” who, if they were in the same circumstances, like the phoenix,rise above adversity. They my dears are the cream of the crop, while you are the husk on the bottom of the hog pen.

Byoching and Moaning Day is upon us and guess what; you get to be roasted all day, by all the “other people” making it “happen” while you just don’t give a dam.

So, if you have a moment. Shake Your Tail Feathers. It want make you feel better but it will be a lot of fun!


Abby's Rain Boots

I often feel the world is a big puddle that I am in the middle of .
Just like a pair of my best rain boots, I can either go through the puddle are just jump up and down in the puddle.



Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Abby's Life In Pictures

I love a pretty picture. Life in pictures always seems so beautiful with no worries. Everyone one is almost at their perfect pitch, nothing is out of place. Peace is reigns supreme. These are times I long for. Nothing out of place, everything and everyone in place. I should be in pictures!


Monday, June 16, 2014

Abby as Veronica Lake


Someone ask me “If you could be a reincarnated as a movie star who might it be?”
I said Veronica Lake.
Yes, I would step her life in the movies in a heartbeat. Veronica Lake was badass when she was at the height of her celebrity.
Veronica Lake was beautiful and had her own iconic hair style. Though she died destitute, alone and very far from her iconic star status; when Veronica was on top she was awesome.
Yep, I make no bones about my reincarnation. Maybe it’s her performance in “I Married a Witch, or her iconic hairstyle that I like so much.
But if I am send back as a movie star, make me Veronica Lake the good years.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Stand Under Abby's Umbrella

The July 1,  release of my book Running Out Of Lies is scary. I wonder if people will like my writing. Will I get good reviews, or any reviews, will actually buy my book? Will I need to stand under an umbrella from the tears that will fall if I fail? I will have lots of uncertainty in coming days. Is it my destiny to be unsure of my future as a writer? Is there truly a destiny to be unsure of?
Should I buy a new umbrella? No, seriously. Should I buy a new umbrella. It's really been raining a lot lately and I would love to have at least two or three different umbrellas. These and many other katcrazy questions should be answered soon. I hope.

I’ve figured out that if no one likes Running Out of Lies, I’ll go ahead and publish the next two books in the series: Running Out of Options and Running Out of Time. Why? I just hate it when a series ends with just one book.  Just like a one hit wonder the series becomes a one book wonder. I read a book once and loved it! But after bad reviews and not very much interest or sales, the author never wrote part two, three, four, or five. I always wondered what happened to the characters. Through the amazement of Facebook, I  contacted the author to see if she would tell me what she had planned for the next five books in the series.

She was so nice! And yes, she did tell me what she had planned! I as a fan would have bought every book in the series. I loved her books and still do. But that series she said was a learning lesson she did not care to repeat. So, if only one person likes my book, I want to give them the chance to follow the story to the end.

So, if Running Out of Lies runs out of gas, I still plan finish up the new series I am working on “The Wild Hoopergray of Montana. Let’s hope this sells at least 3 copies and not to my family. Or maybe I’ll listen to the universe and write one terrible book a year.

The Wild Hoopergrays of Montana. Jasper, Caspian, and Lassiter are three wild brothers who live in a little town owned by the Devil. If you ever wonder into Evangeline, Montana you better be prepared to pay the devil his due.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Abby’s Aprons

I love aprons. I can remember both my grandmothers wore then while cooking  Sunday dinner. My mother’s-mother wore hers when she made the most delicious biscuits. It was always covered in flower and it use to hand right next to the china cabinet.  Both my grandmothers’  took great pride in their aprons. They were always starched to perfection. There was a beauty to those apron that always made me smile.  I as a child looked forward to the day I would be gifted with my own apron.

As so many things have, aprons have gone the way of the sewing machine and typewriter. Yet, imagine my surprise when I discovered on Pinterest Boards dedicated to the apron. I think I’ll order an apron and a bag of flour.



Sunday, June 8, 2014

Abby Loves Breakfast

Sunday Morning breakfast is always a treat.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Abby’s, Closed Due to Beautiful Weather

Abby’s Closed Due to Beautiful Weather


     It’s been a beautiful day.  I closed the house to sit on the porch reading and writing. While rocking in my favorite chair, I enjoyed the most delectable pitcher of ice cold Peach Tea, a tuna salad sandwich,  a wonderful picnic basket made by the local supermarket, and a bowl of ice cream.  This is life at it's best.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Abby Loves Pink


Pink is such a romantic color.

Cleopatra is said to have scattered pink rose petals before Mark Anthony's feet. Pink is the heart and soul of many weddings. Pink is the beauty that breaks the dawn as breakfast is served in bed.



Thursday, June 5, 2014

Abby Loves Icees

I love Icees.
Long before we could get them ourselves, it used to be a treat to go to the store and have the clerk behind the counter make you an icee. Icees were a delectable treat that cost a minimal of 75$ for the largest container, 25$ for the small cup and 50$ for a medium cup. I always got a small cup. Less chance of brain freeze. The only flavor I really remember is cherry. Since the late 70’s, Icee has added many more flavors. Yet, Cherry remains my favorite.

Gone are the days when kids are intrigued and delighted by such a simple treat. I love Icees and as I sit enjoying the daylight and sipping on mine, I think of days gone by when such a simple treat would put a smile on a kids face.

Have You Had Your Icee Today


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Abby Wants Treats For Life

Life should filled with Slutty Blond Brownies, Peanut Butter Cinnamon Rolls and Peanut Butter Cake.

It’s a mystery to me why life is not filled with delicious treats. Maybe not so much a mystery, since I am doing aerobics and a (lifestyle change) on what I eat.   There should be days filled with nothing but treats falling from the sky. I should be able to “stand outside with my mouth open wide” devouring the most delicious snacks and candies known to man.
Mondays, Godiva chocolates, Tuesdays, brownies, Wednesday, Peanut Butter Cinnamon Rolls, Thursday, peanut butter cake and Friday, Saturday and Sunday a variety of all three. If only life catered to our nutritional wants.   

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Abby's Rainy Day

I’ve made no secret of my love of rain. Rain for me is like the best lyric of a love song.
 Umbrellas like rain soothe my soul. The idea of walking down the street in a torrential downpour with a guitar strumming in the background is love to me. 


Monday, June 2, 2014

Abby Meets Martha


     Sitting in the doctor’s office this morning I was reminded that: love songs matter, love is not obsolete, true love will last forever and it truly takes a real woman or man to know that nothing trumps love.
     Running exactly five minutes late for my doctor’s appointment, I arrived with a bountiful amount of unused energy and found myself seated next to eighty- eight year old, named Martha. Soon Martha and I began to chat as I devoured my yogurt cup.
     I learned she was the grandmother of three, two twins’ girls, Martha and Elizabeth named after their respective grandmothers and a grandson Grayson, all in their late 30’s.  She was the mother of five, three daughters, Katie, Claire, Josephine (named after Napoleons Josephine like me, she loved the love letters they exchanged), and two twin sons, Brick and Branch. Martha love Cat on a Hot Tin Roof thus the name Brick and  L'Armour books).
     She’d until a month ago been married for sixty five years to Hugh. Hugh is now deceased and buried at a local cemetery, in plot 35, across from her parents and an older brother who died during the depression. Martha visits Hugh every day. She takes him flowers, talks to him and keeps him updated on the family “goings ons”. Though she is looking for another husband very soon. She figures to continue visiting Hugh daily until next Spring when she moves with her daughter and new husband to Florida. Until then she wants to ensure Hugh gets lots of her time. She want be coming back to visit his grave or the city one she leaves.

     Hugh was a good man says Martha. The two met and married within two weeks. It’s hard to describe the feeling that arise when an eighty-eight year old woman tells you she was driven by “passion and unquenched fires of sexual tension” to marry a handsome young Navy man ten years her senior.  Hugh was an excellent provider so says Martha. He was an electrician who owned and operated his own thriving business for more than forty years.  Now the twins own and operate the family business.  
     Hugh and Martha, settled in marriage she said after the passion died down and began to raise a family. Martha worked doing the books at the store for a couple of years, then she became a high school math teacher when she was thirty. By that time Hugh was forty he encouraged her to go back to school. Apparently Hugh got his “groove” own with a blond named Shelly, hired in the seventies as a store clerk. Sending Martha to college was a way for High to spend more time “letting his passions flow”. Hugh told her about the affair when Shelly got pregnant and had an abortion. Hugh wanted the baby. Shelly did not.

     Hugh ,before he died, gave Martha permission to date and marry again; within a year of his death would be considered respectful. Given she is such an outgoing and vivacious woman, he did not want to keep her from having a man in her life. He did, however, suggest she see if Bill Reynolds was available. Bill was the man she fell head over heels in love with when she was thirty-five and left Hugh for. She and Bill were together for fifteen years before Hugh wooed her back home and to the family she left behind. Martha told me those fifteen years were the happiest of her life. But she got to missing being a mother to her own kids, who were preteens,  so, she left her lover for her husband. Martha laughed at this point. I just smiled. She and Hugh got back together and at fifty she deliver her change of life babies Brick and Branch.
   The twins were conceived on the night Bill married Caroline Olson. When Martha learned of his marriage she got misty eyed, started missing Bill “something terrible”. She bought an Al Green record, got drunk and wham-bam she and Hugh hooked up. Bill and Caroline were married twenty years before she got breast cancer and died. His second marriage lasted five years and ended in divorce. About a five years ago when Hugh was diagnosed with cancer the two reconnected while Hugh was being treated. The two have been “discreetly” seeing each other since before Hugh died. Hugh apparently never knew. I suspect from his death bed proclamation Hugh knew.

      Life for Martha now days consist of remembering the good times. As she and I sat talking and being ear hustled by the entire doctors office, including the nurses, Al Green began to play. Martha blushed and smiled. She told me every time, Al Green  comes , she remembers the love she has for Bill. I finally asked how she could leave Bill and she confessed she did it for the kids.
     Her love for Hugh was over long before it began and she had her regrets about leaving her kids behind. But, she did not feel right taking them from Hugh. He was their father and a good man. At that time, there were only the three girls. Soon she found Bill could never have kids and she wanted to be mom. Her fairytale ended to soon.  So one Saturday she and Bill made love all day to Al Green and the next morning she left the only man she truly loved for her kids. Things between she and Hugh were good. Separate beds, yet, there was harmony and happiness. She truly believed it was the right decision and the fact her girls and sons were in life long marriages and never divorced proved it to her.

  Martha soon settled back in her seat and listened to Al Green as a tear slipped down her face. As Martha sat remembering life with Bill, I realized that love songs are the key to so many wonderful moments in our lives.
Everyone has a favorite love song. Who can’t remember the song that was playing  when they met that special someone. Love songs are the light in which through yonder window comes forth the lyrics of love.

By the time Al Green got to the course of “I am Still in Love With You,” Martha (who has a wonderful voice) was singing and crying. Soon the whole waiting room was rocking with Martha as each of us contemplated the life of an eighty-eight year old woman still moved by a love song.  

When I think of love I think of Bill Withers "My Imagination".

Rock on Martha.


Sunday, June 1, 2014

What Dreams May Come

A new day dawns with a burst of anticipation and excitement. The bird are singing, crickets give birth to one last chirp.  I awake with a smile. Stuck in a sentimental moment, I wallow. Neither looking to leave nor share the moment. This is my moment. I am the center of attention. This is my home. Strong is the foundation it is built upon.

It appears, I am dreaming. Pretending to go along with the charade, I stand and deliver a soliloquy. I climb the stairs and turn. I watch as I star in my own life. There is no order here. Life happens with a swift certainty. Abigail, Abigail, my voice on the wind is a whisper of things to come.  This is your life, Abigail.

Amazement, trepidation and the stink of happiness permeate the complexity of unspoken questions and answers. How this life thrills me, mellow tones of love relax me. So amazing, a life well lived; I could stay forever. All the windows in my glass house shuttered, broken, there is nothing sweeter. The clouds move with the shade thrown my way.

I can dance. My rhythm is smooth. I don’t want to leave this dream. Just one more hour of sleep? In the world I conquered; love is an unbroken chain, a melody. I want to stay. Come away with me. A discombobulated, mirage of facts and feelings confront me. Nothing makes sense. Nothing matters.

Putting the whispers out of my head, I dance. I am selfish as I dance. I‘d be a fool to stop. I dance like the witch in the original fairy tale. My red shoes are on fire. I am smoking hot. Charleston, Cupid Shuffle,Two-Step, I, I, dance. The crowd cheers. No one gets me like this crowd. I am a phoenix rising.

I awake to a soft rain as it pelts my window, thunder claps in the distance. I get it, destiny is on the horizon.

© Abigail Madison Chase

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